“The opposite of war isn't peace... It's creation!”

RENT - Jonathon Larson


Tony Diego Garcia(he/him/his) is proud to be a part of the Latinx Community(Mexican-American), LGBTQIA+ Community, and is a social activist.  He was born and raised in the Chicagoland area and moved to Southern California at 16. He graduated high school from The School of Arts and Enterprise in Pomona, California where his focus was Musical Theatre. He attended Cypress College and completed his Associate's in Theatre. He graduated with a B.F.A. in Musical Theatre from the University of California, Irvine. Tony grew up playing soccer, having a love for building Lego’s, and loves seeing the world through two different cultures. His happiness in life is getting to perform and change the lives of others through storytelling. Tony is not sure where life will take him. Could be New York? Mexico? Back to Chicago? As long as there is a stage, a story to tell, and lives to change Tony will go there!